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Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors:

Teacher Excellence Fund Donation

The STCA Teacher Excellence Fund was established in January 2019 with the purpose and vision of raising funds to enable and sustain salary increases, commitment bonuses, leadership stipends, and professional development/continued learning funding for the faculty and staff of St. Therese Catholic Academy. The goal for the 2020 auction fund-a-need is to raise $60,000 to enable a $4,000 increase to our salary scale from bottom to top. Our teachers deserve this increase in pay AND MORE - please be as generous as you are able!

We apologize that our Fund-a-Need Impact Video cannot be played on this page due to the limitations of this platform.

Please copy and paste: 


into a new window - and make your donation on that page or back here on this page (to help that thermometer show our Dream Team how much we value them!).

Value: $0.00
Wayne J. Melonson Memorial Contribution
Wayne J. Melonson Memorial Contribution

In October 2020, we will be unveiling a memorial plaque for the late Mr. Wayne J. Melonson, also known as Mr. St. Therese! Mr. Melonson attended St. Therese and then later coached, taught, attended the parish, and served as a principal and administrator at St. Therese for over six decades. Many alumni identify Mr. Melonson as "the difference maker" on their educational journey that sent them on the right path to where they are today.

Donations made here will go directly to the creation, installation, and maintenance of this memorial that will be unveiled and dedicated on Mr. Melonson's birthday, October 6, 2020.

Value: Priceless